Inflated Egos | Is This Good

An installation where candidates' heads get bigger and smaller in realtime depending on how they're doing in the Election race.

Featuring the seven candidates who appeared in the first televised debate.Balloon head size is driven by the latest polls and sentiment-analysed twitter activity, before displaying live election results

.Go and see the installation on the 4th and 5th of May at the Hoxton Gallery, 9 Kingsland Road, Shoreditch and 6th - 9th May in the window of Partizan, 40-42 Lexington Street, Soho.

Hardware and physical build by Dave Cranmer [] and software by Will Gallia []. Additional physical build by Katy Hopkins, Maz Staruch, Jamie Durand and Justin Pentecost. Film shot by Dan Lowe and Jamie Durand, edited by Dan Lowe. Grade by Simone Grattarola at Time Based Arts. Sound recorded by Andy Hewitson, audio post by Nigel Manington at String and Tins.

Based on an idea by Steve Hawthorne and Katy Hopkins.

Thanks to George McLeod for helping the penny to drop.

Thanks to Partizan for helping with the shoot.

Thanks to Time Based Arts and String and Tins for help with post.


Melancholy Rooms | Anna Radchenko


Group Show | Prefab77